This Simple Comic Shuts Down the Question 'How Can You Have Depression If..?'
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If anyone’s ever questioned your “right” to have depression, Ruby has a simple, yet strong answer that explains it all. The self-taught comic from London posted the image on her Tumblr a few years ago, but it couldn’t be more true now:
The comic shows a girl covering a boy’s mouth after he asks the question, “But how can someone have depression if…” But what’s even more powerful is the message that follows:
- Mental illness can affect anyone
- It does not discriminate
- Don’t invalidate the genuine experience of others because you feel their personal circumstances don’t warrant it.
- Don’t try to question it with logic because it’s not logical, it’s an illness.
And (probably the most poignant point):
- Duh!!
Under the comic on her Tumblr page, Ruby wrote, “Most people have a hard time accepting what they are going through is valid to begin with. Don’t add to that insecurity.”
To see more from Ruby, like her Facebook page, Rubyetc.
Originally published: March 13, 2016