To the Grandparents Who Are Sad and Confused About a Down Syndrome Diagnosis
To the grandparents who just received a Down syndrome diagnosis for their grandchild,
You’re not alone; other grandparents have been sad and confused by this news. Your grieving might be twofold; you’re heartbroken for both your grandchild and your child. This might not be something you wanted for either one of them… but you must keep in mind: this is a different Down syndrome and not the Down syndrome you might think you know.
This is not the Down syndrome from the days when a child was recommended to be institutionalized. This is not the Down syndrome where the life expectancy of a child was 25. This is a Down syndrome where therapies are available. People with Down syndrome now go college and hold jobs. People with Down syndrome can live independently and get married, and are expected to live well into their 60s.
If you’re reading this on the Internet, you have the capability to do your own research. There are many organizations such as the National Down Syndrome Congress and National Down Syndrome Society that can give you up-to-date information.
Support your own child with whatever path he or she takes on this journey. Have confidence your child will do his or her best. This grandchild will be one of your most amazing gifts in life.
Follow this journey on Three With a Twist.
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