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#c -PTSD #Depression #Agoraphobia #AvoidantPersonalityDisorder #PanicAttacks #Fibromyalgia

I am not doing so good. I struggle to do anything, I have been working for just over a year part time and my mental health has kept me off work for over a month. I cannot handle any demands placed on me and the mere thought of going back to work fills me with dread. I shake, cry and have constant feelings of being under too much pressure. My depression and feelings of failure is adding to my suicidal ideation. The only reason i won’t act on this feeling is because I cannot bare the thought of hurting my loved ones. I feel so much guilt over my thoughts of resigning from my job, but believe the job I do is too demanding on my mental health. I feel so sad all the time. My doctor increased my Fluoxitine dose to 60mg per day and I am on 0.5mg Chlonozepam.

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Just realized it

(65f)I’ve never really thought of this word before but apathy makes a lot of sense for my life. #apathy #Bipolar #c -PTSD #Anxiety #Depression #hemiplegic migraine #Peripheral neuropathy #eating disorders…

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brake and gas at the same time

#c -PTSD
I wanna share with you what it feels like to live with constant pressure.
I read a description in a book, which fits perfect to what I experience; I feel enormous pressure inside - like pressing the gas pedal of a car.
But that pressure is locked inside of me - like pressing the brake pedal of a car.
I wanna let out the pressure - but am something like knocked out.

I guess if you also have C-PTSD, you know what I´m talking about.
Anyway - I´d like to hear what other Mighty members think about it.

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The Good and the Bad

I’m going to go to my pottery class tonight. That’s the good thing. I have to drive to get there. That’s the bad thing. I struggle with emotional flashbacks, dissociation and passive suicidal ideation while driving. 😕 I’ve started doing a driving meditation and it keeps me from panicking but it’s still very difficult.

Wish me luck! 🍀 #c -PTSD #dissociativedisorders #SuicidalIdeation #MentalHealth #Flashbacks

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The label “toxic”

I believe this word is harmful to the mental health community. It was coined by authors who meant well, but were coming from their own experiences in childhood that formed biases towards how they saw people with mental illness. When words like “ toxic” are used to describe someone, they are no longer seen as human, the same as the word, “evil”.

When we use humanizing words such as a “person suffering from mental illness”, a “dysfunctional family”, “poor parenting skills”, “generational trauma”, we are seeing the root of the problem, rather than blaming the victims.

This by no means is dismissing the pain and trauma someone suffered as the result of growing up in a dysfunctional family system, or excuse anyone’s poor behavior. It doesn’t invalidate anyone’s feelings either, everyone is entitled to their feelings. What it does do, is allow the individual and future generations to understand the underlying issues, so they can get the care they need to heal without stigmatizing the very illnesses they have inherited or developed as a result. Now, I know this is very hard to do, to not use these words in our vocabulary. I am guilty myself and catch myself often. When I do, I bring awareness to it and remind myself that these words are not helpful for anyone. It’s especially hard when I am really angry, or have a flashback, to not regress to labeling others and stigmatizing my own community.
Self awareness is often painful, but always enlightening and ultimately healing.

#c -PTSD

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Recently diagnosed with C-PTSD.

I’ve been recently diagnosed with C-PTSD. I have emotional flashbacks, anxiety, depression, visual flashbacks at any kind of medical appointment or in situations that mimic (hair dresser, massage appointment, etc.), passive suicidal ideation and dissociation.

I never realized any of this before because of constant dissociation (derealization). I had everything so locked down and frozen inside which must have been my main coping mechanism as a child. Symptoms I couldn’t explain were what took me to therapy. It took me and my therapist and 3 years to even recognize that dissociation was there since it was so pervasive, like finding a trap door at the bottom of my brain.

Since finding and opening that trap door, it’s been so hard. Panic attacks, passive suicidal ideation. The memories that were still images are starting to come back and it’s overwhelming. I have a stellar support team. I’m thinking it’s so intense now because I’m pursing healing. Trying to stay hopeful but it’s hard not to despair. I would appreciate any encouragement. #DissociationDisorders #c -PTSD #EatingDisorder #Anxiety #Depression #PTSD #SuicidalIdeation

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Something to ponder 😊

We have three roles here on earth: to learn, to love, and to live. When we stop learning, we start to stagnate and die. When we stop loving, we lose our sense of purpose and become self-centered. When we limit our living, we deny the world the benefits of our talents.”
– Jim Cathcart
#Anxiety #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder #c -PTSD #Asthma #type 2 diabetes

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I don't want to be strong.

You are strong if you survived unspeakable abuse.
You are strong if you go through your daily life without complaint.
You are strong if you are able to go through the motions of living (surviving) daily.

What if you are tired of being strong?

What if all you want to do, even for just one day, acknowledge your real feelings and / needs?

I am a single mother.
I went through unspeakable abuse.
I have bipolar disorder, GAD, SAD, C-PTSD, CFS, chronic pain, etc...
I maintain a full-term job, raise my child, juggle between work, schoolwork, time for my child and homework.
Time for myself gets put on the backseat.

I want to admit I am in pain, I am struggling, I am not okay, I need a hug, without getting looks of consternation or confusion, and without any judgement.

I want to acknowledge what I am feeling, without feeling guilty about it. I want to be able to explain why I can not do this today without having to answer 10 000 questions.

For just 1 day I want to forget I am all the world expects me to be. Or be a different person with no ties or obligations to anyone.

I want to acknowledge that I am only human, I also hurt, I also get tired and lonely and frustrated. I also have a limit to what I can endure and what I can cope with.

I am tired of only surviving and being strong. I want to live & thrive, and I need to admit to being weak and needing help to get there.

Anyone else ever feel this way?
#MightyTogether #BipolarDepression #MentalHealth #ChronicFatigueSyndrome #ChronicPain #abusesurvivor #c -PTSD

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