Text ed crazy and I didn't mean to to say all that stuff but my mind and my fingers just kind of take up on their own I hope I didn't scare anyone kind of scared myself but I'm better now but my fingers just still can't talk with us worth anything like a huge on my stupid cell phone my fingers just touch barely go over it something and it'll hit a key it's not the right one but I'm doing better right now I'm not I just hyper and we're trying to sleep right now and again I'm sorry and I don't know how to stop the fingers from topping all the stuff that I didn't mean does anyone else have that problem just typing and it won't the wrong letters come up and it doesn't say what you want just it was just doubled me too you see it didn't do it either so if y'all see this I apologize for the earlier crazy texting and I hope everything help it everybody knows that I'm okay now I really am thank you for listening bye #ocdbipolar 2,general a anxiety, get Schitzo effective f effective disorder , the effective disorder, hallucinations of all kinds and delusions are still running around in my mind and I'm doing better than I was in the hospital just to have occasional relapses but I'm doing my best to overcome it I don't want to go back in the hospital please keep me in prayers thank you ( I may still be having side effects from OTC treatment in hoping that it'll go away soon thank you) #erlinePersonalityDisorderBPD #DE ,,oS,RA arthritis, stomach issues,a r dependent psychological disorder pendency. Fears of being abandoned and left with nobody to talk to or help take care of me when I can't and nobody to love me. Vertigo which I am
battleingy right now. Poor self image. And putting those feet in mouth and just move them around. The mouth works before the brain does. # # foot and mouth disease. Brain fog
Chatty Cathy rides again)