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Choose the heart(s) that best match how you’re feeling and explain why in the comments below.

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28 days left
68 reactions21 comments

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27 days left
Big box craft stores (like Michael’s or Hobby Lobby)
Specialty shops/sites (like yarn or fabric stores, etc.)
From crafting catalogues
Thrift shops are where it's at
I only craft with materials I have around the house
I tend to swap supplies with other crafters
Wherever I can find what I need!
Honestly, I can’t remember the last time I bought anything
19 reactions1 comment

A gentle reminder: There's no pressure to follow through fully, but it's great to have a framework or mindset to try on. You deserve good things, always, especially when it comes at your own pace!

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26 days left
📓 I will take note of things that excite me.
🪐 I will keep an open mind as much as possible.
✏️ I will embrace the messiness of making mistakes.
✂️ I will cut out what's no longer helpful for me.
🌎 I will be brave and venture out of my comfort zone.
📏 I will measure my progress by my rules only.
🌈 I will seek out a creative, stress-relieving activity.
29 reactions1 comment

You: “I’m going to make a list!”


Which list-making medium makes it most comfortable and accessible for you to add, adjust, or change things based on your needs, schedule, and energy levels?

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24 days left
✏️ Handwritten paper lists all day, every day
🖍️ I live by my whiteboard/erasable calendar
💻 A blank Microsoft Word doc = my friend
📳 I like to use the Notes app on my phone
📱 I have a favorite list-making app (which one?!)
🤷‍♂️ None of the above, I’m not a list-maker
55 reactions18 comments

Choose one
19 days left
I'm definitely a solo cleaner
It depends on the task, but I like to divide and conquer
I only accept help from specific people
I struggle to clean, I'll take any help I can get
I hire someone to clean and tidy up
36 reactions5 comments

Have something else to add? Pop it into the comments!

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17 days left
How I react to a situation
What I do in my free time
What I choose to consume (media, news, food, etc.)
How I talk to and about myself
What and who I follow online
How I treat those around me
Who I allow to know me well
28 reactions5 comments

Select all that apply
16 days left
Release any expectations I've been holding on to.
Forgive myself for mistakes I've made in the past.
Trust that my future will unfold as it should.
Pay close attention to what (and who) feels like home.
Celebrate any positive choices I've made recently.
Embrace the version of me who exists right now.
Speak to myself how I'd speak to a good friend.
Sit with a feeling I've been running from.
Determine what's worthwhile without external input.
41 reactions2 comments

Select all that apply
12 days left
"I'm not comfortable discussing this with you."
"Thanks for your concern, but I can handle it."
"I can't attend, but I appreciate the invitation."
"I don't feel safe, so I'm going to leave."
"I'm allowed to change my mind."
"I won't be spoken to in that manner."
"I appreciate the gesture. In the future, I'd prefer..."
"I can't take on additional responsibilities right now."
32 reactions2 comments

Each worldview is dominated by a specific perspective that guides an individual’s outlook on life. Which one do you relate to most?

Choose one
11 days left
🌞 Optimist: I focus on the positive in life
☔️ Pessimist: I tend to expect the worst, am overly cautious
🤝 Realist: I see both the positive/negative. I’m practical.
49 reactions15 comments

have you come upon something that grabbed your attention , I have learned only this week the meaning of Haiku and how prevalent it has been throughout my entire life.

In my journey to discover how i can help myself, it’s extremely difficult to completely shut down my dark negative thoughts.

I have to write things don’t albeit on my iphone (i wrote more often when i was younger!)

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