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How I'm Honoring My Son This World Down Syndrome Day

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World Down Syndrome Day is happening on March 21st. This is a day to celebrate our children with Down syndrome and honor those who have touched our lives in more ways than one. Eleven years ago, when we initially learned our son had an extra chromosome, we were heartbroken, scared and nervous. But then we got to know him. Our child… the little boy who is our son. We celebrate him every day.


If you have a son or daughter with special needs, you will understand completely what the word “pride” means. It’s the most incredible feeling to watch our children accomplish something that comes so naturally to others.

I’m a mother of four children. Last summer, we started riding bikes as a family on our bike trail. My 6-year-old daughter was beaming as she pedaled her princess bike without training wheels down the path for the first time. We were proud of her. When I watched her brother with Down syndrome, who was 11-years-old, pedal down that same trail with his knee pads on, focusing on the motions, concentrating on the road and working so diligently to keep upright on the bike, my heart was filled with the utmost joy and elation. He’s doing this! He’s worked so hard to get to this point. A parent couldn’t be prouder of such an incredible accomplishment, knowing how long the journey was for him to get to that same point as his little sister.

I came across a song the other day entitled “Proud” by Heather Small. I couldn’t stop crying. I had such mixed emotions. It fit exactly with the sentiments I’d been feeling for my son. It inspired me to make a video to honor Cole and some of those people involved in his life. What perfect timing to finish it in time to celebrate World Down Syndrome Day. Please enjoy!

Originally published: March 17, 2015
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