The Bennett family is going viral after mom, Courtney Fletcher Bennett, posted a video of her 10-year-old daughter, Emma, getting a seriously cool present.
In a video that’s been viewed over nine million times in two days, Emma’s younger sister presents her with a box. “Read the letter first,” her sister says. Emma starts to read the letter but is unable to contain her excitement. As she tears into the box, it’s revealed why her gift is so special.
“You got to be kidding me,” Emma cried, hugging the doll close. “It’s got a leg like me!”
Almost better than the gift is the letter that came with it. “Mommy and Daddy had it sent off to this company, A Step Ahead Prosthetics,” Bennett explained.
“After she arrived she was given a room to stay while her new leg was being made,” Bennett said reading the letter. “She was fitted with a leg in her favorite color, pink, and she started walking on it right away. After a few weeks of training to walk and run in her new prosthetic, she is ready to go home and live her life without limitations with you.”
“Thank you for making a doll like me,” Emma said.