To become President of the United States, you first must:
1) be a national born citizen of the United States.
2) be at least 35 years old.
3) have lived in the United States for at least 14 years.
Then, there are other qualities people look for in their candidate: leadership experience, some set of values that match their own, a deep understanding of our economy and other issues that affect the American people every day.
So why are we now trying to diagnosis Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump with a mental illness, as if that is what would disqualify him from the job?
On Wednesday, California congresswoman Karen Bass launched a petition calling for a mental health examination of Donald Trump. To promote her efforts, she started the hashtag: #DiagnoseTrump.
Now, there’s plenty to criticize Donald Trump about. Pick your battle: his comments about women and veterans, the Muslims ban, the wall… And sure, you can even criticize his temperament. Maybe you don’t like the guy at all.
But whether or not he has a diagnosable mental illness shouldn’t be part of the conversation. Because if he did have a mental illness, that wouldn’t be a reason he shouldn’t be president. What are we trying to gain from slapping on a diagnosis?
In her petition, Rep. Ball claims Trump meets the criteria for narcissistic personality disorder. But she also says, “The American Psychiatrist Association has declared it unethical for psychiatrists and psychologists to ‘comment on an individual’s mental state without examining him personally and having the patient’s consent to make such comments.’”
So, let’s not.
As expected, the hashtag has already led to stigmatizing tweets:
#DiagnoseTrump He’s Tea Party Crazy!
— TraitorTrump (@TeaTraitors) August 4, 2016
Ranges between orange and red. #DiagnoseTrump
— Amy (@puasamanda) August 4, 2016
Borderline personality disorder, narcissistic personality disorder, ADD. #DiagnoseTrump
— ElizabethH (@EHeathdale) August 4, 2016
#DiagnoseTrump high blood pressure with a stage 4 bipolar!!!
— leila alleyne (@AlleyneLeila) August 4, 2016
#DiagnoseTrump Straight Outta His Damn Mind. — LAC (@HumanitarianGal) August 4, 2016
But, some have spoken up about the problematic nature of the hashtag.
#DiagnoseTrump is adding more #stigma and #shame to #mentalillness when we already had enough of that. This really upsets me.
— Andi Chrisman (@AndiMHadvocate) August 4, 2016
So before you #DiagnoseTrump, check out the tweets below — and think about what you’re really saying.
3. #DiagnoseTrump Also racism & sexism are not mntl illnesses (tho a person like Trump w/mntl illness can be racist, sexist) but prejudices — Servant / Dreamer (@ServantDreamer) August 4, 2016
Hashtag #DiagnoseTrump shows how little the general population understands about #mentalillness. — Andi Chrisman (@AndiMHadvocate) August 4, 2016
#DiagnoseTrump is a disgusting concept, and even more disturbing in practice. none of us have any right to attempt to “diagnose” anyone.
— Anger™ (@thelastfangirl) August 4, 2016
look folks, you can talk about Donald Trump’s constant garbage-spewing without using the words “mentally ill” or “insane”
— Hazel Longerskirts (@longerskirts) August 2, 2016
#DiagnoseTrump He’s an egotistical bigoted asshole. There, done. Now quit blaming it on an illness. — All That Glitters Is (@SirGoldenrod) August 4, 2016
@realDonaldTrump ‘s psychiatrist can #DiagnoseTrump, but no one else should be using mental illness as ammo. Hashtag is promoting stigma.
— Andi Chrisman (@AndiMHadvocate) August 4, 2016
I’m sure people struggling with mental illness don’t appreciate being compared to Donald Trump.
— Tim Kanye (@ARPdid911) August 4, 2016
Unless you’re personally treating him, don’t #DiagnoseTrump. It’s stigmatizing and unethical to do so. — Nicole Campbell (@soupernic) August 3, 2016
#DiagnoseTrump is wrong. Please do not engage in the idea that mental illness = evil.
— Elliott Carter (@elliottwatuh) August 4, 2016
Do not #DiagnoseTrump unless you are a doctor and he is your patient. He is a spoiled, thin-skinned, ignorant bigot. That’s enough. — The Singing Owl (@OwlWithAGuitar) August 4, 2016
I don’t need to #DiagnoseTrump to know he is dangerous and unfit to serve.
— queerarse cassowary (@cheshireb) August 4, 2016
Trump could have an illness. Trump could not have an illness. Problem is you’re not qualified to call it either way so fuck #DiagnoseTrump — YourDadWantsToFave (@BertLoch) August 4, 2016
His reactionary politics, his racism, his hateful rhetoric are sufficient to dismiss his candidacy. No need to #DiagnoseTrump #don‘tdoit — #readtheplatform (@hyperlocavore) August 4, 2016
Mental illness is not Trump’s problem. His problem is bigotry, hate, and bad (and thoroughly American) politics. #DiagnoseTrump — Andrea Grimes (@andreagrimes) August 4, 2016
Stop trying to #DiagnoseTrump, He’s just an ignorant, privileged, white, asshole. #mental illness has nothing to do with it.
— Jeff Porter (@pjoreterffery) August 4, 2016
Me: Don’t ‘diagnose’ someone if you’re not qualified. It’s harmful
People: I’M NO SCIENTIST BUT HE’S CLEARLY MENTAL— Dean Burnett (@garwboy) August 4, 2016
When you “#DiagnoseTrump,” all you accomplish is to increase stigma & discrimination against millions of innocent & vulnerable ppl. #ableism
— David K. March (@dkmnow) August 4, 2016
If u support a mental health evaluation of DonaldTrump, you don’t actually support neurodivergent/mentally ill people. Don’t #DiagnoseTrump — mutant princess (@IsaJennie) August 4, 2016
Lead photo: Donald J. Trump