20 Creative Ways People Keep Track of Their Medication
Editor’s note: Please see a doctor before starting or stopping a medication.
Most people who take medication know the struggle of forgetting to take your meds. When life gets busy, it can be easy to forget something as small as a pill — even though it can have a big impact on your day. Especially if you’re new to taking medication, or were prescribed multiple medications that all have different instructions (which one do you take before bed again?) — it can be exhausting trying to keep them straight.
Whatever your experience of tracking medication looks like, sometimes you just want to know how other people manage. For the people who have tried the classic pill box, and found it just isn’t cutting it, this one’s for you.
We wanted to know what people who take medication for mental illnesses and other chronic conditions had to say about this, so we asked members of out Mighty community to share one creative way they keep track of their medication.
Here’s what they had to say:
1. “I have a reward system/chart for my self that my social worker set up and if I take all my meds correctly in the week, it’s an excuse for me to treat myself. Doesn’t always work, but [it’s] motivation to take them.” — Heather S.
2. “When I had to start taking medicine at night, I would always forget and remember once I was tucked into bed, I was so cozy that I wouldn’t get up and take it. I started putting a chocolate chip in each day of the pill organizer with my medicine. I always wanted that chocolate chip, so I stopped forgetting my meds.” —Erin S.
3. “I take two medications, one once a day and one twice a day. To make sure I remember when I took what, I flipped the [pill] bottles over. When I took the medicine in the a.m. [I] flipped it over cap down and when I took it in the p.m. I flipped it right side up. So I never had those ‘Oh crap, did I take it?’ moments and find out the hard way several hours later when I’m having an anxiety attack in the middle of the grocery store.” — Ashley W.
4. “Medisafe app. It has all of my meds and their doses, it reminds me to take them and at the end of the day, tells me if I missed checking some off. It gives me refill reminders when I get down to a certain amount of pills left (that I am able customize for each med, since some meds take longer to process than others).” — Adah J.
5. “I keep my medications by the fridge. On my fridge I have a system of magnets for each medication, every one of them different. They all start on the left side as ‘not taken’ and then move to the right of the fridge indicating I had taken them.” — Abigail M.
6. “I use an app [Pill Reminder] that reminds me when to take my medications and what to take. It also keeps track of how many pills I have left in my bottle and sends me an alert when it’s close to empty so I can call the pharmacy to get a refill. I would be so lost without this app. I paid for the full version and I’ve been using it for over a year. It’s worth every penny! — Sarah C.
7. “I keep extra doses in my wallet, my car, my boyfriend’s car and [at] my boyfriend’s place so I never miss a dose.” — Fatima G.
8. “At night, I put all my morning meds in a shot glass by my bed with a bottle of water. Saves me a lot of stress in the morning. And if I fall back asleep, I can easily tell if I’ve taken them.” — Jill A.
9. “I use an app called Round. It alerts me for every specific time I am due to take a medication and I have to tap that I’ve taken it. It helps me remember and see that I’ve been taking my medications consistently. It shows you a map of the month and if you took all your meds that day or not.” — Liz H.
10. “I have an alarm with a song that reminds me [to take] the meds that have been helping me for almost two years.” — Vin R.
11. “I stick Post-it notes in different places like by my bed and on my bathroom mirror. Can’t forget if there is a brightly colored note staring me in the face!” — Ash S.
12. “I have been using the bullet journal system and it has been helping me organize my life in more ways then just this. Even tracking my water intake and self-care.” — Mijenou M.
13. “I never remember, so I put my meds in the fridge. That way when I get up in the morning to get something to drink or eat, I automatically see them and take them.” — Jessica L.
14. “I use a site called Habitica that combines task tracking with a pixel art role-playing game. It allows you to set up ‘dailies’ (e.x. medications) that you check off, then you receive XP that enables you to buy rewards for your character!” — Stephanie P.
15. “I keep my medications in beautiful antique pill bottles so it’s not as intimidating when it’s time to take them and they look pretty sitting on my dresser.” — Jennifer H.
16. “I used to forget my morning pills, but realized I never forget to make my morning coffee. So I put my pills next to my Keurig and now I hardly ever miss a dose. If you’re not a loyal coffee drinker, putting it next to something that is a daily morning or night routine, such as a toothbrush, would also work.” — Michelle D.
17. “I use the app Booster Buddy. You can make customized reminders and it gives you a notification. It doesn’t say it’s a pill reminder [so] people won’t question if they see it, but you will know if what it is when you see it.” — Rachel C.
18. “I keep my meds on top of my microwave — my hub of everything I do in the morning. Rarely have I forgotten with this method.” — Lynette M.
19. “I used to set an alarm on my phone. I used the song ‘Meds’ by Placebo to help me remember to take all my medications.” — Holly S.
20. “I made a little handmade calendar and every morning when I take my medicine, I give myself an encouraging sticker like ‘You did it!’ or something like that and for the evening, I put a little star next to it. It’s very helpful because I like the stickers and hate the empty spaces.” — Annie N.
Thinkstock photo via lightkitegirl.