When I first notice signs of a migraine coming on (for me, it’s tightness in my upper neck, a faint ringing and sensitivity to overhead light), I’m overwhelmed by a feeling of dread. Not again… As if I’m expecting a natural disaster to hit, I quickly gather provisions, retreat to a safe, dark space and brace myself for the upcoming storm. My migraines usually only last a day or two, but for some they can drag on for weeks or even months.
Migraine is a serious and sometimes debilitating neurological disease that can cause a lot of really unpleasant symptoms. It’s so much more than “just a headache” and can have a huge impact on a person’s life and ability to function.
That being said, though I don’t find much of anything funny when I’m in the midst of a migraine, there are certainly some humorous aspects I laugh about on days when moving my head doesn’t hurt and looking at a computer screen is actually tolerable. From wearing dark sunglasses inside to basking in the darkness of my lair (a.k.a. bedroom), sometimes a little humor can be helpful in getting through my next flare.
If humor helps you cope as well, you may enjoy the following memes:
1. When light is the enemy:

2. When removing your head seems like the only solution:

3. When you work in an office with fluorescent lights:

4. When you have to keep your technology as dim as possible:

5. When you see an aura and think, “…oh no“:

6. When you would do almost anything to make your migraine go away:

7. When you have extreme reactions to sensory stimuli:

8. When you want to enjoy some sunshine but have to close your blackout curtains instead:

9. When your migraine goes on for days and days:

10. When you’re trying to avoid your triggers but…

11. When you stay home to avoid being triggered:

12. When you’re counting on caffeine to get you through your symptoms and lack of sleep:

13. When you have to check in the mirror to make sure you’re not actually being stabbed:

14. When friends try to offer you advice:

15. When a migraine comes on and you retreat to your cave:

16. When strong smells trigger a migraine:

17. When your medications don’t even touch your symptoms:

18. When a migraine is so much more than head pain:

19. When people say, “yeah, I get headaches a lot too”:

20. When you go into sensory overdrive:

21. When people just don’t get it:

22. When migraines have zero regard for your schedule:

23. When getting out of bed just isn’t possible:

24. When you finally have a migraine-free day: