'Born This Way' Season 4, Episode 4 Review: 'Home Alone'
The following is a review of “Born This Way” season 4, episode 4 and contains spoilers.
This episode begins with the seven friends attending a drag queen bingo event where they dress in costume and have fun.
Peter’s thoughts: Steven did have the coolest costume at the drag queen bingo party. I liked when he said [the costume] looked like Elvis!
Elena’s Storyline
Elena introduces her boyfriend, William, to her other friends at bingo. In an interview between a producer and Elena after the event, Elena says a word the producer cannot understand. It sounded to me as if Elena said, “it is our chance.” The producer guesses the word wrong twice, Thinking she got it right the second time, she asks, “What does that mean?” Elena responds by saying it is a word she made up. I believe this is something that happens pretty often to people whose speech is hard to understand: Either people pretend they understand, or the person speaking unable to articulate clearly gives up. I feel Elena gave up, and it made me sad the show’s producer did not make an effort to understand what Elena was saying.
Hiromi, Elena’s mom, wants to move to Japan when her husband retires, but Elena wants to stay in California in her group home. Her parents meet with a friend to talk about Elena’s future. The friend reminds them that eventually, they won’t be around for Elena, and letting her be independent is the best thing they can do for her.
Peter’s thoughts: So, Elena’s parents and Steven’s parents want to retire and move away and they are worried and talk about their fears. Elena says she can live in a group home with her friends and she will be fine without her parents. But what if she gets sick? Who will help her?
I can relate to wanting to be independent. I think my life is awesome the way it is right now even though I live with my parents. I have everything I need. I am already independent in a lot of ways. I do all my own laundry, go to work, have my own transportation. I can cook and clean. I have my man-cave and I have my friends and girlfriend.
Steven’s Storyline
Steven’s dad has a retirement party and Steven delivers a touching speech. His parents have talked about moving back to Iowa after retirement, where they are originally from. However, Steven does not want to move. He thinks his parents should move if that is what they want to do, and he will stay and live on his own, with his friends, where he has well-established connections.
Peter’s thoughts:
The coolest moment was when John, Steven and Sean went to Steven’s dad’s retirement party and they were playing poker. Steven gave a speech for his dad. He speaks so clearly and he said really nice things about his dad.
Rachel and Megan’s Storyline
Rachel and Megan are moving in together. While the two young women are excited to be on their own, their parents are having a hard time letting go. I get it! My daughter is only 10 years old and I am already dreading the day she says she wants to move out. Of course, I know it is necessary, but I already know it won’t be easy. The parents have created a checklist for the women to go through each night before going to bed. As the parents leave the women in their new home, Megan runs out one more time to hug her mom. Rachel and Megan have dinner that first night and watch a movie together.
Peter’s thoughts: In this episode, there is a lot about the grown-ups and parents. Rachel’s mom and Megan’s mom are so concerned about them moving out and I think the parents are not ready. They are making a checklist of all the things the girls need to do. They don’t want to leave the girls the first night. Then, Rachel wrote a letter to her parents. When they read it, her mom just cried because it was about Rachel’s big dreams and everything that her parents did for her and that she can do it (live on her own). The flashback pictures from when Rachel was little were very nice but that is why the parents freak out about their kids going into real life. They remember when they were babies.
I think Rachel’s dream is coming true by moving in with Megan for a trial run in a house together. It looked like a lot of fun moving their things in. I am wondering how they figure out the math and money for going shopping. I think their relationship is good, but Rachel was kind of like being like a mom when she told Megan “You better get to bed now.” I was proud of Megan when she figured out how to put the batteries in the candles. It looked like a lot of fun when the girls were shopping online but how are they going to pay for all that?
Cristina’s Storyline
Angel’s grandmother is concerned about a comment Cristina made in the car that she felt suggested she was not ready to get married and wanted to date other people. She asks to speak to Cristina’s dad and he seems surprised. He has a talk with Cristina, and she reassures him she does not want to see other people and she wants to get married, that her comment was misunderstood. I want to make a side note here, I understand why Angel’s grandmother talked to Cristina’s dad first, but I feel she should have addressed Cristina directly as she is a grown woman about to get married. While it is logical that the parents are more involved than is typical since Cristina and Angel have disabilities, Cristina is still a grown woman and that conversation should have happened with Cristina first.
Cristina and Angel meet with their minister to do some premarital counseling and they talk about managing conflict, arguments, communication, friendship, flirting and he gives them an assignment for the ceremony.
Later in the episode, Cristina finally gets a chance to meet with Angel’s grandmother one-on-one. They have a sweet moment. Angel’s grandmother shares some of the challenges she could see in their marriage because of Angel’s ADHD. Cristina eloquently replies, “I love him where he is.” I wish every single person in a relationship had the wisdom to know that loving someone is loving them exactly where they are at the moment.
Peter’s thoughts: I think there is a bit of drama in this episode about Cristina and Angel. It’s life, it’s awkward that they are blurting things out about flirting and dating other people. That is their struggle. They need to get ready for marriage and figure it out so they don’t have fights when they are married. They talk to a counselor about how to be there for each other. Now their marriage is coming soon and they are still in love. Cristina says, “We are teammates and soulmates and we will always work together.” That is beautiful. I think Angel and Cristina will have a good marriage because they always figure things out and they love each other.
The role model for this episode is the parents. They are always there for all the cast to help them figure stuff out for their hopes and dreams. They are helping them with becoming grown-ups, being independent, everything they want to do. They help them with things that are a struggle for adults with Down syndrome, like helping Angel and Cristina with the wedding and Rachel and Megan with moving out. They need their parents to be there.
Our rating: 
Peter’s rating: 
Read our review of episode 3, “Don’t Limit Kitty.“
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