I’ve been through it all—the negative aspects of borderline personality disorder (BPD). I’ve attempted suicide, struggled with self-harm and have had a severe eating disorder. I have had trouble maintaining strong interpersonal relationships. I have feared abandonment and pushed people away. But I also think of borderline personality disorder as a superpower. Much like superman, we all have our kryptonite with the illness. Clark Kent had to learn how to control and harness his abilities for the betterment of society. I look at borderline personality disorder the same way.
Here are a few superpowers we have because of BPD:
1. We are beyond empathetic.
Because we are able to experience feelings stronger than the average person, we are able to empathize in ways others cannot. This makes us great candidates for working in fields that require us to be compassionate, such as counseling. It also makes us great volunteers. If you have BPD, look to participating in some volunteer work and watch the difference you will make.
2. We are intuitive.
Sometimes, this superpower can be difficult. There are times when our intuition can be wrong, but often times it is correct. We are able to sense danger quickly and analyze the intentions of those around us with ease. We can read people. Be careful with this superpower, as reading into someone too much could affect our relationships. Remember that everyone is only human, and we make mistakes. Don’t hold it against someone. Forgive.
3. We are loyal.
Because we love so fiercely, we are loyal to those we care about. Whether it is a friend or a significant other, we would do anything for them. Once we make a bond, that bond becomes stronger than steel. Loyalty is important in almost all relationships.
4. We are creative.
We have the natural ability to be incredibly creative. I believe that because we are constantly in thought, we have great ideas. Many of us are artists, musicians and poets. Our attention to detail makes us phenomenal at drawing, playing music and writing eloquently. We are truly gifted in this arena.
5. We can easily adapt.
Because of our chameleon-like abilities, we are able to adapt to any situation. Some may look at this badly, as often times we mimic our environment to feel a sense of belonging. But if you look at it differently, this can be great when there is a change we have to become use to—like moving to a new city or starting a new job. If used correctly, we can still be ourselves while adapting to our changing environment.
Always remember that all superheroes, like the X-Men, were seen as “freaks” and were stigmatized because of their abilities. They had to learn to live with their given traits and use them to make a positive impact. We have the ability to do the same exact thing. BPD does not always have to be a bad thing. Look at it as a personality type, not necessarily an illness. We were not all made the same and our experiences have shaped us into becoming the amazing people that we are—even those negative experiences made us who we are. I want to encourage you to see more positive aspects that you have because of BPD. Focus on how you can use your traits to live your best life. I have to remind myself every day of each ability I hold because I have BPD. You can do it too. There is always hope, do not give up on yourself.
GettyImages via KrisCole