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21 Memes That Nail What It's Like to Have Diabetes

After you’re diagnosed with diabetes, you might feel like you’ve just been granted admission into a completely new world — one with a whole new set of rules to follow and challenges you have to worry about that people without diabetes know nothing about. After all, you can’t really understand why diabetes makes you awesome at math, or the reactions you get when you inject insulin in public unless you’ve been there yourself.

Diabetes itself isn’t funny — but sometimes, laughing at all the absurd situations diabetes puts you in can make the tough moments just a little bit easier to deal with. Below, we’ve rounded up some of our favorite memes about life with diabetes. If you can relate, leave a comment and let us know which is your favorite!


when your blood sugar is really high but you haven't eaten for hours
via @type1diabetesmemes on Instagram


pie chart meme chances of me getting perfect blood sugars, no, no but in yellow
via @type1diabetesmemes on Instagram

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me waiting for my blood sugar to go down so i can eat, sad person waiting
via @type1diabetesmemes on Instagram


airplane movie meme of pilot sweating, when you're trying to hide that you're super low during a conversation
via @type1diabetesmemes on Instagram


spongebob falling on floor when your pump tubing gets caught on a door knob
via @type1diabetesmemes on Instagram


ross i;m fine meme about trying to manage diabetes and a job and social life
via @glutenandglucose on Instagram


when ur at a restaurant and dont want to ask for the nutrition facts, hand hitting button that says guess dosage
via @relatabletype1 on Instagram


simpsons character sitting on bus saying im in danger, me: puts blood into bgm, meter: 28
via @relatabletype1 on Instagram


mrs george from mean girls making shocked face, the face people make when i inject insulin in public
via @diabetescommunity on Instagram


stock photo of man checking out woman, cheesecake, me, perfect glycemia
via on Instagram


adele meme when you wanna put your pump in your bra
via @diabetes_humor_ on Instagram


when a non-diabetic posts their dessert and hashtags diabetes, remove friend, delete contact, unfollow buttons
via @insulin_and_tonic on Instagram


ariel and prince eric the feelings of a hypo
via @katie.siobhan on Instagram


woman squinting at computer, when you write something down read it later and say wtf, this makes no sense. was i low when i wrote this
via @diabetescouk on Instagram


when my endo appointment approaches... i dont want to go
via @katie.siobhan on Instagram


me trying to fix my a1c the day before blood tests, broken car fixed with bandaid
via @rachael072414 on Instagram


when a low hits you unexpectedly, girl lying down on beach, i take a nap right here
via @diabetes_allday on Instagram


maury saying your pancreas said it would produce insulin for life, that was a lie
via @t1melissajane on Instagram


how do you know how many unites of insulin you need? mean girls, i have a fifth sense
via @kissmypancreass on Instagram


dog smiling when youa rehaving low blood sugar and you are really irritated but you are trying to keep it together
via @type1diabetesmemes on Instagram


when someone asks how my body is doing after pump sites, cgms, injections and finger pricks, damaged but adorable
via @insulin_and_tonic on Instagram
Originally published: January 28, 2019
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