“The Lucky Few” is a phrase taken from Heather Avis’ book, “The Lucky Few: Finding God’s Best in the Most Unlikely Places.” It has quickly become the descriptor of choice for many who have a family member with Down syndrome. For World Down Syndrome Day this year, I asked parents to tell me why they consider themselves lucky to have children with Down syndrome. Their words describe our reason for feeling “lucky” perfectly.
“When I consider my son, I feel so lucky to have this angel in disguise dropped into our family. How lucky are we have such a treasure in our home? His smile lights up the room and brightens any day.” — Kimberly Wyse, mom to Redmond. You can follow their journey on Instagram @redmondthewise or on her blog kimberlywyse.com
“Bringing my daughter into this world and into our family put me down a path I never expected. She keeps me on my toes with her antics and laughing with her expressions. Having her introduced me to a whole new group of people I most likely would never have met otherwise. Having her has inspired us to help others. I think my favorite part of adding her to our family is the love between her and her brother. They truly show what unconditional love really is. Loving someone for who they are.” — Lissa Rodgers, mom to Mary. You can follow their journey on Instagram @raisingspecialroses, Facebook, or her blog raisingspecialroses.com
“When I see Mikey, I see nothing but purity. He doesn’t know how to be a faker. He is sincere in whatever he is feeling. He is a light in our community and church. He makes an impact everywhere we go. He has taught me to open my heart and my mind.” — Laura Snyder, mom to Mikey. You can follow their journey on Instagram @thesnyderclan
“Jordan Grace lives each moment to the fullest; she does not dwell on the past or worry about the future. She loves with her entire soul and shows us with her actions and with her words. She is a great example on how we should all live for the moment.” — Maria MacKeigan, mom to Jordan Grace. You can follow her journey on Instagram @mommytor_az
“Hi, my name is Smiriti Zalpuri Kumar and this is my son Laksh. He is 19 months old and was diagnosed with Down syndrome and Hirschsprung’s disease at birth. When my husband and I received Laksh’s diagnosis, we both had very different reactions. My husband Avijeet was completely OK with everything and didn’t even for a second worry about any of the things that were plaguing my mind. But today, when I see my sweet little boy working twice as hard, not because he has to, but because he can, I know I don’t have to worry about a thing. All I have to do is be his advocate and make sure he isn’t left out of anything, because he just wouldn’t have it any other way. So please be kind and inclusive because life is just as perfect with 47 chromosomes as it is with 46.” — Smriti Zalpuri Kumar, mom to Laksh. You can follow their journey on Instagram @livelifelakshsize
“Having Hannah has opened our eyes to a whole wonderful community of people who are selfless, loving and compassionate. Without Hannah, we would have stayed oblivious to how truly wonderful people who have Down syndrome and their families are. Hannah has shown us how to love deeper, live life fully, not worry about little things, think outside the box and be more patient. She has truly changed our whole family for the better. Down syndrome is not who she is, but if she only had 46 chromosomes, she would not be the Hannah our family and friends know and love. We are truly blessed and ‘lucky’ that Hannah Joy was given 47 chromosomes.” — Amanda Yeary, mom to Hannah. Follow our journey on Instagram @wovenwith47, Facebook @woven47, and on my blog wovenwith47.com