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5 Things Every Mama With a Prenatal Down Syndrome Diagnosis Should Know

Dear expectant mama of a baby with Down syndrome,

Your baby is perfect. Whether or not he or she has a chromosomal difference, regardless of any diagnosis; healthy or with health challenges, your baby is worth celebrating.

My baby has Down syndrome. His name is Wyatt, he’s 16 months old, and he is the light of our lives. I knew about his diagnosis when I was pregnant. All I wanted during those days, after our journey to get pregnant, after all the tears and IVF and wishing that shot, that egg retrieval, that embryo transfer, that last one — that would give us a baby… all I wanted to hear was “congratulations.” All I wanted was for people to want to celebrate my child.

So here I am, telling you: Congratulations!

This is what you should know:

1. Your baby is magnificent.

You will be amazed at the way he or she is about to change your world. You’ll also be amazed at the way you want to change the world for them.

2. You are not alone.

There’s a whole community out here, raising our own world changers, and we are ready to lift you up, answer your questions and celebrate with you.

3. However you’re feeling right now, it’s OK.

Feel all the feelings. Learn all the things (there are so many amazing resources out there, I will help you find them). Love on that little nugget growing inside you.

4. Down syndrome does not mean “unhealthy.”

Not all babies who have Down syndrome have health challenges — just like not all babies who are “typical” are “healthy.” Has Wyatt had his share of health issues? Yes. Does that mean he is not worth celebrating? No. He is vibrant, happy, and brave and he has overcome every obstacle with strength, tenacity and a smile. He is celebrated every day by everyone who knows him.

5. That extra chromosome means extraordinary things are ahead.

You’ve got this. Enjoy your pregnancy. Celebrate.

Originally published: August 7, 2019
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