I want a I-IEP. I want an Inclusion IEP!
When we will move the needle forward on inclusion? When will including all students into general education classrooms become the norm?
We know it’s the right thing to do. We have statistics that prove this. We have studies that show it.
Yet, the stories continue of the heartbreaking fights for Least Restrictive placement.
Yet, the stories continue about parents having to sue their school districts to get their children the services they need.
Yet, we continue to hear from brand new teachers who weren’t taught a single thing about inclusion in their college courses. They weren’t taught UDL or differentiated teaching, and many have never even heard of it.
Students with learning differences are growing in numbers; it isn’t slowing down.
Teaching students with disabilities should be a part of a teacher’s college program.
We need to insist that teachers receive instruction on how to teach “different learners.”
We need to insist that teachers are given a vision of what an inclusive classroom looks like.
I need an I-IEP for my son. I insist that he is included in school. I insist that he is in the general education classroom.
I need to sit down with those teachers and discuss how best to include him, not if he can be included.
I need to be discussing best practices on how to include him, not where it should be done.
I need inclusive practices to be the norm, not the exception.
I need an I-IEP! How can we get there?