“Love yourself, OK?” Three simple words.
Why is it so difficult to follow through? Why is it a constant struggle to look in the mirror and genuinely admire the person looking back at me? It seems so easy to pinpoint the negatives. It suddenly occurred to me to ask myself, “Who am I comparing myself to?” I see all of these imperfections, but compared to what exactly?
It requires a thorough self-evaluation to truly love yourself.
I was being so superficial. I can’t stand when someone is shallow, conceited and only focuses on outward appearance, yet here I was being just like those I so harshly judge. The saddest thing is that I was being that way towards myself. I am honestly my harshest critic. My own enemy.
Think of the most confident person you know. What characteristics stand out to you about that person? Clearly, they exuberate something special for you to notice. But what exactly? From what I have observed, for one, they know themselves and their values. This involves diving deep and knowing exactly what’s important to you. Have you been so focused on the surface that you’ve forgotten how amazing you are as a person? Every single one of us is so distinct and has so much to offer.
Knowing those specific values is what brings me to the next characteristic. They are able to take responsibility for their mistakes. Not only that, but they also find solutions. You want to be healthier? Take the initiative to adjust your diet. Would you like to have more friends? Then have the courage to introduce yourself to people and give them a dose of your awesomeness. (I may have made that word up.) The point is that you should work towards improvement. Again, easier said than done. I know.
No one is perfect! That is the beauty of it all! You are more than welcome to make mistakes. It is impossible to be perfect. You don’t have to be super social in order to reach that level of confidence. The most important thing is putting your best foot forward and taking action. It could be as simple as holding the door open for someone and wishing them a ”Good Morning.”
Trust me. Once you realize your true potential, you will be unstoppable.
Remember to remain modest. Your actions will speak for themselves! You won’t need to look for opportunities to show off how amazing you are.
I see you. I have been in your shoes.
You are not invisible.
You are incredible.
You are awesome.
You. Are. Loved.
Photo by Jackson David on Unsplash