
Think of these like playlists, but for your health. Our editors have selected the best and most helpful of The Mighty just for you.
Newly Diagnosed With Anxiety
Finally have a name for what you're going through? This collection is a one-stop shop for the newly diagnosed. You are not alone.
Signs and Symptoms of Anxiety
Chest pain, skin picking, loss of appetite and more — click here to better understand the signs and symptoms of an anxiety diagnosis.
The Reality of Living With Anxiety
If you want to truly tap into the reality of living with anxiety, you've arrived. These stories are ones to bookmark or pass along.
All About Anxiety Medication and Therapy
There is no one-size-fits-all approach to treating anxiety. Read more about pill-shaming, therapy, and anti-anxiety medication here.
Symptom Management for Anxiety
From calming anxiety-fueled anger to coping with nausea, we promise this collection won't tell you to "just breathe."
Managing Panic and Anxiety Attacks
What do anxiety and panic attacks look and feel like? If you crave tips and tricks for yourself, or want to help someone else, start here.
Anxiety Myths and Misconceptions
This collection is dedicated to anyone who's ever been told to "just stop worrying." Anxiety is not that simple! Dig into more myths here.
Tips and Tricks for Living With Anxiety
The Mighty's anxiety community has so many tips and tricks to share with you. Check out our constantly growing collection of them here.
How to Explain Anxiety to Others
"It's like a thousand tabs open at the same time." Need to explain anxiety to someone who's never lived it? We're here to help.
Supporting Someone With Anxiety
If someone you care about has anxiety, how can you help? This collection is perfect for meeting others right where they're at.
When Anxiety Meets Relationships
From dating to friendships, sex to being "left on read," anxiety can affect our relationships in ways both big and small. Find out how.
Reframe and Find Acceptance With Anxiety
Learning to reframe and label anxious thoughts can be a really valuable coping skill. Read how others have done it.
Self-Care for Anxiety
Self-care is more than just bubble baths and coloring. Looking for new ideas? Find the inspiration you need in these Mighty stories.
Anxiety Isn't Funny, But Memes Sure Are!
Sometimes you have to laugh so you don't cry. Here are hundreds of LOL-worthy mental health memes to help you do just that.
Need a Distraction From Your Anxiety?
From phone games to building the ultimate anxiety playlist, these stories and song recs might be just the distraction you need today.
Living With Social Anxiety
Social anxiety isn't just being shy or talkative. These stories are for every person who feels like a wallflower in their own life.
Chronically Ill and Anxious
It's not often said, but chronic illness and anxiety can be a package deal. For anyone who struggles with both, we see you.
Parenting With Anxiety
Dear parents: If you or your child has anxiety, this insightful group of resources and perspectives might come in handy.
Anxiety in the Workplace
Making the workplace managable when you live with anxiety is no small task. If you're feeling overwhelmed or need a new hack, start here.
How to Navigate School With Anxiety
Whether you're a high school or college student, or need help navigating anxiety in school-aged children — class is in session.
Living With Agoraphobia and Anxiety
The relationship between agoraphobia and anxiety is more than a "fear of going outside." This collection is here to set the record straight.
Hello? Your Phone Anxiety Is Calling
Go ahead and send that call to voicemail! Learn how to manage phone anxiety and find validation in how other Mighty members experience it.