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People in the Autism Community Say Asda's 'I'm Having a Meltdown' Sweater Is Offensive

People in the autism community are not happy with a new winter-themed sweater from U.K.-based retailer Asda. Many say the children’s sweater, which reads “I’m having A MELTDOWN” trivializes the meltdowns children on the autism spectrum face.

Photo of sweater that says "I'm having a meltdown" and features a snowman

On Monday, a petition was started asking Asda to remove the sweater from its store and website. “Anyone… with [autism spectrum disorder] and similar spectrum disorders or mental health conditions that involve having melt downs as a symptom deserve understanding and acceptance,” Jennifer Dunston, who started the petition, wrote on “They/we do NOT deserve to be made fun of.”

So far the petition has been signed by over 60 people, many of whom echo Dunston’s sentiments. “This is not funny at all. I know how difficult meltdowns can be to deal with. Very disappointed with Asda over this,” one petition signer commented.

“Bad enough having people out there who makes it difficult for people with autism let alone a shopping brand,” another wrote.

Not everyone finds the sweater offensive. “I have a child with autism, [sensory processing disorder], anxiety and panic disorder,” Stacey Rushing, a contributor to The Mighty, said. “That said, nothing about this sweater is offensive. It’s a snowman melting, a play of words. The word ‘meltdown’ is no specific to one’s disability. It can be used in any context by any person.”

“I have autism, I had many meltdowns as a child, however have less now,” Lottie Harland, a contributor, said. “I don’t find this offensive as many people have meltdowns, it’s a turn of phrase for I feel like things are out of control and this happens to us all. It’s a funny shirt making light of the feeling of being out of control. And honestly I think it’d get more people talking so they’re less afraid to say I’m having a meltdown I’m not in control, and isn’t that good?”

This isn’t the first time people have petitioned an item sold by Asda. In 2013, a “mental patient fancy dress costume” was removed from the store after people protested the Halloween costume as being offensive.

Despite controversies surrounding its clothing, the company has made strides in making its stores more disability-friendly. The retailer was praised earlier this year for creating disabled bathroom signs that point out “not every disability is visible.” The store also made headlines in April for offering a “quiet hour” so customers on the spectrum could shop without extra sensory stimuli.

Update: A spokesperson for Asda told The Mighty, “We take mental health issues extremely seriously and supported World Mental Health Awareness Day this month. Our snowman t-shirt is intended to be light-hearted and we’ve received great feedback from customers. We’re sorry if anyone is offended by it – that is never our intention.”

Do you think this shirt is insensitive? Let us know in the comments below. 

Originally published: October 20, 2016
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