One Apple employee’s kind deed has earned him praise all over the internet.
LynnMarie Rink and her son James were at the Apple Store in Green Hills, Tennessee, on Thursday, Jan. 21, buying a new iPad. James, 9, has autism and Down syndrome, and the iPad helps him communicate.
All of a sudden, something caught James’s attention outside the store and he tried to run outside but ran straight into a clear glass wall instead. He hit his head on the glass and then again on the floor when he fell, according to LynnMarie Rink’s Facebook post. Everyone in the store witnessed James’s fall.
That’s when Apple employee Andrew Wall came over and asked what he could do to help. He joined Rink and James on the floor where he proceeded to set up the boy’s new iPad.
Rink posted a message of gratitude on Facebook, along with a picture she took of Wall and James together.
And then this happened….Nashville Folks – can you help me find this guy on FB? Or do you know any big-wigs at Apple… Posted by LynnMarie on Friday, January 22, 2016
Since Rink posted the message and photo to Facebook, it's been shared more than 9,000 times.