I was with a friend shopping late one afternoon, and we decided we were hungry, so we stopped by McDonald’s for a quick bite. As someone on the autism spectrum, I’ve always been sensitive to certain foods. Some might consider me to be a “picky” eater. I have tried new foods over the years, but this time, I settled for what I usually get.
When I was younger, ordering my food would have been difficult for me to do. But as an adult, I have very few issues with this part. I walked up to the cashier and told him what I wanted.
“I’d like a plain double cheeseburger, small fries, and a medium chocolate shake with no cherry.” I ordered like a pro.
“OK.” He began to punch in the information, and then stopped. “When you say you want a ‘plain’ double cheeseburger, does that mean you want only the burger and the cheese?” he asked me.
A huge smile grew across my face.
“I would like just the burger, the cheese, and the bun.” I explained.
“Got it.” He replied, and continued. “Sorry, I just know some people are really particular about their order, and wanted to check to make sure I had it right for you.”
“Oh, I understand completely!” I told him. “There are a lot of people who are like that for a reason, and I appreciate that you took the time to ask me.”
I ate my meal happily.
It may not seem like much, but for some folks, the wrong order can be devastating. Perhaps someone has a food allergy. Or maybe a child would have a meltdown. Imagine being so hungry, potentially unable to communicate exactly what you want or need, being overwhelmed by the environment, and then ending up with food you just can’t eat (whether due to allergies or sensory issues).
So to the McDonald’s employee who took the time to make sure my order was correct, thank you. Keep up the awesome work, because it really does make a difference.
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Photo source: McDonald’s Facebook page