Everyone should know…
That autistics are born to be who they are for a reason. We are different; we simply have our own unique operating systems. We are not broken and do not need to be fixed.
Autism affects everyone differently. There’s no such thing as being “a little autistic.” Either you are or you aren’t. Just because one experiences traits for which they may require more assistance doesn’t mean they’re “more autistic,” it simply means that their traits manifest differently.
I can’t speak for everyone, however in my experience, most autistic people prefer identity-first language (autistic) versus person-first (person with autism). Autism isn’t something one just carries with them like an accessory; it’s an integral part of them which shapes their personhood.
Finally, autistic people want what every human being wants: to be accepted. We want you to reach out and just be a friend! We want to be included in activities. We desire to be a part of the human experience, and to come together in unity. If we can all get along and respect each other, that’s the best thing for everyone!
Image provided by contributor.