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Why I Talk About My Daughter’s Autism With Others Every Day

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Autism Awareness Month is less than a month away, and talk of autism will be filling the air. My social news feed is already blowing up with reminders to either start a walkathon, raise money for therapies and Light It Up Blue, all in the name of autism awareness.

Granted, it’s imperative to talk about autism and do these things throughout the month of April, but what about now or after the blue lights fade? You see, I am one of those parents who constantly talks about her daughter’s autism diagnosis to anyone willing to listen. I do this on a daily basis. Why? Why in the world would I share something so personal with strangers who could potentially use my words against me?

Well, I’ll tell you why — but first, I get it. I understand why some families are very selective as to who they share their child’s diagnosis with, mainly due to preconceived labels and judgments.

If someone wants to keep my daughter or family in a label bubble or decides to not associate themselves with us after learning my daughter Autumn has autism, guess what? That’s their problem. That’s on them. Also, what kind of friend would that be? Honestly, would anyone want to be friends with people who are afraid of autism or anything else that may not fit into that perfect box image? I didn’t think so. Plus, I really don’t care what people think of me and my family. If they want to judge us or not associate with us because we’re a special needs family, oh well. Their loss. Our gain.

In addition, how are we supposed to support a world full of inclusion, awareness and acceptance if we don’t talk about the diagnosis, or if we are so afraid to let the cat out of the bag that it holds not just our families back from being able to try new things, but hurts the child and/or individual we are advocating for?

I believe we as parents and caregivers are responsible for creating a world where our children have every opportunity to excel. By talking about the diagnosis and then educating others about autism (or any disability for that matter), we can encourage more sensitivity and understanding. We can begin to break down barriers and remove stigmas one step at a time. We can open the eyes and minds of others who may now go throughout their days being less judgmental towards that parent with the screaming child in the store or down the street. We can open the pathways for love and acceptance as well as kindness by sharing our journeys.

I feel this is how we can change the world. It’s a 365-day-a-year ideal, not just promoting this belief throughout one month.

girl looking at aquarium tank
Patricia’s daughter, Autumn.

Lastly, I talk about my daughter’s diagnosis because I’m proud of her and all that she is. Autism is a huge part of her life and her everyday challenges as well as triumphs, but it isn’t our entire world. I want people to see that people with autism are more than autism. That autism isn’t a one-size-fits-all glove like many people may assume. Like a beautiful snowflake, autism can be just as unique.

So the next time a stranger starts asking you questions about your child, don’t be afraid and share with them their diagnosis. You might even make a new friend that day, or at least you did your part in promoting awareness, acceptance and love, all for the greater good of making this world a more sensitive and caring place.

Follow this journey at Raising a Butterfly: Autumn’s Journey.

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Originally published: March 8, 2016
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