Bipolar Disorder

Think of these like playlists, but for your health. Our editors have selected the best and most helpful of The Mighty just for you.
Signs and Symptoms of Bipolar Disorder
Mood swings, lack of impulse control, and paranoia are all symptoms that can make up a bipolar diagnosis. Which sound familiar to you?
Newly Diagnosed With Bipolar Disorder
Finally have a name for what you're going through? This collection is a one-stop shop for the newly diagnosed. You are not alone.
Bipolar Myths and Misconceptions
Myth: "People with bipolar can't control their emotions." Fact: Misconceptions only add to societal stigma. What others would you debunk?
Medication, Treatment, and Bipolar
From medications to therapies, there's no one-size-fits-all approach to symptom management for bipolar. These stories are must-reads.
Tips and Tricks for Living With Bipolar
The Mighty's bipolar community has so many tips and tricks to share with you. Check out our constantly growing collection of them here.
Bipolar Question of the Week
Our Bipolar Question of the Week program is a reminder that there's power in our collective experiences. Add your voice to the mix.
The Reality of Living With Bipolar
If you want to truly tap into the raw reality of living with bipolar, you've arrived. These stories are ones to bookmark or pass along.
All About Bipolar Mania and Hypomania
Hypomania or mania is a trademark symptom of bipolar. This collection takes a deep dive into how others experience it and cope.
All About Bipolar Depression
"I am just waiting to get to the other side." Learn more about what makes bipolar depression unique. One day at a time.
Stability and Recovery With Bipolar
Stability is possible with bipolar, though we know it can feel far away at times. Read the stories of people who have been where you are.
Finding Acceptance With Bipolar Disorder
Once the dust of a new diagnosis settles, acceptance creeps closer to being within reach. Read the stories of people who've found peace.
Supporting Someone With Bipolar
If someone you care about has bipolar, how can you help? This collection is perfect for meeting others right where they're at.
Dating and Sex With Bipolar
Dating with bipolar can be complicated by feelings of hypersexuality or loss of sex drive. But no matter what, know you are worthy of love.
Parenting With Bipolar Disorder
Being a parent with bipolar may look different and that's OK! Learn from others who have blended family and mental illness with care.
Navigating Employment With Bipolar
Managing your bipolar might feel like a full-time job on its own. But if you're also navigating part-time or full-time work, start here.
Living With Bipolar and...
PTSD? Anxiety? ADHD? This collection is where all of your comorbid mental illnesses intersect.