This man is seeing things in a new light.
Aaron Williams-Mele is colorblind. Colorblindness, or color vision deficiency, is a condition that affects approximately 1 in 12 men (8 percent) and 1 in 200 women in the world, according to Colorblind Awareness. It can be genetic or it can occur over time as a symptom of another disease or condition. Most color blind people can still see things clearly, but just cannot fully see red, green or blue light.
For his birthday, Williams-Mele’s parents gave him a pair of Enchroma Color For The Colorblind glasses, which use optical technology to make colors more vibrant, even for those who are color blind.
Williams-Mele decided to use the glasses for the first time during a sunset at Whitehurst Beach in Norfolk, Virginia, according to the YouTube video below. He has an intense reaction to the experience and releases a slew of profanity as he chokes up and becomes emotional at the sight.
“It’s weird,” Williams-Mele says in the video below. “I’m shaking… This is a lot different than what I thought it was going to be like.”
Watch Williams-Mele experience the colors of a sunset for the first time, but heads up, he uses a lot of explicit language: