I’m currently in an extreme pain cycle (that’s a civilized way of putting it).
It started all because I was trialing an electric scooter three days ago under the supervision of an occupational therapist. Something that will technically make my life easier, but the irony is, the whole exercise has flared the pain of my broken legs beyond belief and it has caused my abdominal muscles to feel as if they have been torn to shreds. I honestly feel as if I have been in a boxing ring and I have not come out a winner!
Pain is such a highly personal thing, and while we can all relate to varying levels of high pain, we all have very individual reactions to it.
Some people withdraw altogether. Some cry, some laugh, some are silent, some sleep, some can’t sleep, some eat, some can’t eat.
Others, like me, tend to talk or write about it. Partly I talk about it because it names it, takes it out of my body, helps me acknowledge it and make the changes I need to make to my day, week, etc. to manage it…or to at least think I’m managing it. I also write about it to encourage others to feel free to talk about their experiences. After all, “a problem shared is a problem halved,” right?
As I muse this morning about how I’m going to try and move through the day, one thing is certain…I do have pain. It can’t be easily removed, but I am as determined as possible to remain joyful. That joy can be in the moment or it can be looking ahead to anticipated joy. A good dose of daydreaming never hurt anyone, and it can help me take the focus off pain and onto happier things.
Pain takes so much from us, no matter your level of pain. I know it’s not as simple as putting a smile on your face and thinking happy thoughts. It’s definitely not easy. It is like walking through a battlefield, cowering and wondering where the enemy is and where the next attack will be coming from.
Like soldiers though, we learn to fight another day. We are constantly wounded, all to varying degrees, but we don’t want to be defeated. We find ways to reclaim our lives. We all find ways to conquer our enemy.
Everyone’s battle is different, but every battle story is so inspiring and encouraging. Muse upon your own story and look at what you have achieved despite your pain, with your pain, through your pain. You’ll be amazed to see just how strong you really are!
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Thinkstock photo via DeepGreen.