Depression, and Why My Friendship Comes With a Warning Label
Things are wonderful right now. I’m happier than I think I’ve ever been. I often say I come with a warning label, and here it is.
The depression will return.
I have no way of knowing when or why or how long it will last, but it will come and drag me into the deepest pit of despair. Please don’t give up on me when it happens. Please know it will pass. Please, above all else, reach out to me when it happens.
When I’m fighting it, I usually post about it on Facebook. I’m very open about my mental health issues, but I don’t have the words to explain how incredibly debilitating it can be. Unfortunately, that also seems to be the time when people I love leave me. There are various reasons, one big one being how they are not prepared for it. There is no way for me to adequately prepare anyone for the darkness I sometimes face, so they disappear when I need them the most.
If what I’ve said scares you, please do me a favor and exit my life. If you choose to remain my friend, please reach out to me when I’m in the weeds, even if it’s just a reaction smiley to my post. I might not respond, but know it means more to me than I will ever be able to tell you.
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Unsplash photo via Cristian Newman.