I’m trying to be more interactive with people I know are struggling with mental health issues. Twitter seems to be a great place to connect, for whatever reason. Today, it struck me again how we all need to stick together. Alone, as individuals, I believe we’re as weak as a thread when we’re having an “off” day. It can take very little to make us snap. We know it too, and our strength is focused on keeping the few fibers of that thread holding together…
Here’s a thought, however. Take one loop of thread. I’m able to snap that thread with almost no effort. But five threads? That gets a bit more difficult. What about 10? Or 20? So what? You may be wondering what a stupid piece of thread has to do with mental health.
It’s actually quite simple. You see, if I try on my own to keep my world together when I’m having a bad day, it’s gonna be a hell of a tough time. However, if I share my struggles, suddenly I find don’t have a single thread holding things together. Instead, people start coming together in support. They add their thread to mine. And suddenly, instead of a single black thread, there are colors and strength added to my day. And if we step back, those threads and colors are just a bit of this massive tapestry.
Sure, we all have our days, both good and bad. But I’ll tell you this. I know my life has been touched and impacted by people I’ll probably only know online. And I know I’ve touched and impacted others as well.
We’re all flawed, we’re all “frayed threads,” that’s true. But if we work together, our strengths and weaknesses create the most amazing image of strength, all the more beautiful for the the imperfections woven throughout.
This story originally appeared on Medium.
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Thinkstock photo via ogolne.