Showering can be so hard for people experiencing depression. It’s really a complex task that requires a lot of thought, preparation, and both physical and mental energy!
My Tips:
1. Set a goal of how many times to shower a week.
I had a three-day rule. Or, if I can’t answer my husband’s question of when my last one was… maybe it’s time.
2. Brush your teeth in the shower.
It’s one less thing to think about doing. Which I will forget about later. I have a spare toothbrush in the shower so I don’t need to remember to get it when I shower.
3. Have different shaped or colored shampoo bottles to your conditioner.
I don’t know how many times I’ve washed my hair with shampoo over and over without conditioner. This is so frustrating.
4. Shower with a buddy.
My buddy is Lily, my dog. Showering with her is more about looking after her rather than myself. It has made this dreaded activity fun. #smalldogoptimal
5. Have music playing.
Something to stop you from dissociating in the shower. Again, Lily’s my distraction.
6. Sit to shower.
I don’t have the energy to stand in the shower. So, I sit. Not everyone is able to do that, so maybe think about a safe shower chair or stool you could use.
7. Let your hair air dry if it’s not too cold.
Lifting the hairdryer is exhausting and extremely noisy for me. So, perhaps towel dry half and do the rest with the hairdryer.
8. Try dry shampoo if you can’t wash your hair.
If you don’t want to wash your hair, use dry shampoo or place some talcum powder on the roots of your hair. This will prevent your hair from having that greasy look.
9. Have a routine.
Keep a routine of what time you normally shower to keep consistent with your hygiene.
10. Wear something comfortable.
After showering, get into something comfortable. That is the best sensation!
What would you add? Let us know in the comments below.
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Photo by Valentin Lacoste on Unsplash