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Why I Started the 'Unstoppable' Social Media Campaign for People with Developmental Disabilities

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I began volunteering through a local developmental disabilities agency when I was 12. I served as a friend and mentor in a program called Circle of Friends at my school. For six years I would spend my summers assisting with an Educational and Recreation program. Through these experiences, I got to know and build friendships with dozens of students growing up with developmental disabilities. One thing I found through both experiences is that others in our schools and our community knew little about people living with developmental disabilities. People were always shocked when I would tell stories about my friends and all they were doing.

Labels are for soup, not kids.

I was told once that to make a difference I had to find something that makes me angry. I didn’t quite understand that until a guy in high school told me that “God never wanted kids with special needs. That’s just not how people should be.” That statement hit me in a way nothing else had before. It was at that moment a spark ignited in my heart. The anger I felt quickly turned into a passion, a mission to show the world people are not defined by their disabilities, nor are they a tragedy. They are individuals just like you and me who deserve the quality of life we expect. It is time the world sees everything they can do.

This has inspired me to share a message about the talents, passion and pizazz that make those I care about “Unstoppable” in all they do.

For Developmental Disability Awareness Month this March, I kicked off a social media campaign to help share stories about those we care about who may be living with a disability, but they’re not letting it hold them back from their dreams. This campaign will continue, as it is a message that needs to be heard.

I have been sharing pictures, stories and videos posted on my Facebook and Twitter pages and encouraging others to share mine and their own with the hashtags #IAmUnstoppable and #BeUnstoppable.

I already have a few supporters in surrounding states, and we hope to take the idea coast to coast. It is time to highlight those who are important to us and change society’s perspective. It is time to remove the definitions, destroy the stereotypes and be unstoppable.

Learn more about Krystian’s campaign on her website, Be Unstoppable.

The Mighty is asking the following: Share a conversation you’ve had that changed the way you think about disability, disease or mental illness. If you’d like to participate, please send a blog post to Please include a photo for the piece, a photo of yourself and 1-2 sentence bio. Check out our Submit a Story page for more about our submission guidelines.

Originally published: March 28, 2016
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