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Amputee life #Amputee #doublebelowtheknee #amputeelife

#Amputee #doublebelowtheknee
hey, I’m lexzy. I’m a double amputee below my knee. I’m 19, I have been looking for a amputee community. I have been looking for a while actually. I found this page and noticed it has been inactive for months. Due to corona virus I’m locked inside and itching to connect with people who understand my daily life. My limb loss was from birth so I don’t understand much of life without my prosthetics. With that being said it doesn’t mean I don’t understand a bare the weight prosthetics come with. I’m no newbie to body dismorphia, phantom pains, chronic daily pain, sores, poor insurance coverage and in general the mental and emotional strain amputees take on. My goal here is to connect with others who experience the same reality as I do. A different daily life than a average able bodied person. I’m new to this app, and if I’m being honest I’m new to connecting with other amputees. I have 18 years of experience using my prosthetic, and I’d love to give tips and tricks to other amputees on how to make life easier, more accessible and more convenient for you.


Amputee life #Amputee #doublebelowtheknee #amputeelife

#Amputee #doublebelowtheknee
hey, I’m lexzy. I’m a double amputee below my knee. I’m 19, I have been looking for a amputee community. I have been looking for a while actually. I found this page and noticed it has been inactive for months. Due to corona virus I’m locked inside and itching to connect with people who understand my daily life. My limb loss was from birth so I don’t understand much of life without my prosthetics. With that being said it doesn’t mean I don’t understand a bare the weight prosthetics come with. I’m no newbie to body dismorphia, phantom pains, chronic daily pain, sores, poor insurance coverage and in general the mental and emotional strain amputees take on. My goal here is to connect with others who experience the same reality as I do. A different daily life than a average able bodied person. I’m new to this app, and if I’m being honest I’m new to connecting with other amputees. I have 18 years of experience using my prosthetic, and I’d love to give tips and tricks to other amputees on how to make life easier, more accessible and more convenient for you.