My dearest Jadon,
Let me start off by saying I am so extremely proud of you. I am so blessed to be your mother. You are doing such an awesome job with doing all the things that toddlers do. Mommy doesn’t like to place time limits on your milestones because she knows you will reach and hit them in your own time. I am more than OK with that. I cannot even begin to tell you the amount of love that I have for you, but I know you feel it with every hug, kiss and shared moment we have together.
You are my heart. I will do everything in my power to make sure you always have what you need.

I wish the world’s eyes were more open to how awesome Down syndrome is and that it isn’t anything to be sad about or the dismal diagnosis it’s made out to be all too often. I wish the world could look through my eyes and see how wonderfully made you are.
I wish they could see what I believe, which is that God made every intricate detail of who you are just as you should be. There are no two people alike in this world.
I pray nobody will ever try to steal your joy and your happiness. I pray you will always accept you for you and that nobody will ever make you feel unworthy. You are perfect just the way you are. May you always continue to smile and laugh. May you always continue to be the fiercely independent soul you already are at the tender age of 2 and a half. May you always know how loved and cherished you are.
May you always know how special you are, not just by all who love you, but more importantly by God. I believe God doesn’t make mistakes, and this shows in you.
I love you, Jadon. I will never, ever stop. You are the light who brightens my world each and every day. Never forget that.
All my love,