To the parents that just found out their baby will have Down Syndrome. I wanted to tell you your baby is worth celebrating!
Here is why:
1. You might be scared that your life will be different because your child won’t be “normal.” That is not true. Your child is not any less “normal” than a “typical” baby. Your baby will still eat, poop, pee, spit up on you, cry, laugh, play and do everything else that a “typical” baby does. They will reach every milestone, but it will be an “extra” special celebration because they worked so hard to master it. That is worth celebrating!
2. You may be scared that your child will be unhealthy. You may have heard this from your doctor, the news or social media. However, your baby can be healthy. Just because they have an extra chromosome doesn’t mean they will have some of the medical complexities that sometimes come with Down syndrome, that have made the world view Down syndrome as “unhealthy.” Guess what? Lots of babies with Down syndrome are born without medical complexities, just like”typical” babies, and lots of “typical” babies are born with medical complexities, just like those with Down syndrome. That is worth celebrating!
3. You might be mourning right now for the child you thought you would have. These are valid feelings that you need to have. Take your time and work through them. However, I want to tell you that a year from now, you will look back on this moment and you will tell yourself how silly you were. You will realize how lucky you are. It’s hard to see it now, but I promise it’s the truth. That is worth celebrating!
4. You may feel very alone right now. You are not alone. There is an amazing community right here waiting with open arms to welcome you, support you and love on you. You have just gained access to the most supportive and uplifting family who knows exactly how you feel. That is worth celebrating!
5. Last, but not least, congratufreakinlations, you are having a baby… who just happens to have Down syndrome! And that is worth celebrating!
A version of this story originally appeared on The Gaddis Gazette.