Prom Photo Spreading Important Down Syndrome Message Goes Viral
Mikenzy Snell and Matt Pliska became fast friends after they were paired up on a school field trip in fifth grade, WTNH News reported. Now, both juniors at Waupaca High School in Wisconsin, the pair have an important message to share with the world.
Pliska, who has Down syndrome, asked Snell to prom a year ago. She accepted, and the two recently attended the high school dance in style. A photo they snapped together that night, with both of them holding up a sign, has since gone viral.
The sign reads “Real friends don’t count extra chromosomes,” and when WTNH News shared it on their Facebook page it was shared over 1,300 times.
“He’s such a positive person. He always has a smile on his face,” Snell told the outlet. “It really shows our friendship to the next level of where it actually is but people might not see behind closed doors.”
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