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To the Momma of a Child With Down Syndrome

I know you’re trying your best. I know you’re showing up each day to take your child to various therapy appointments, even though you feel exhausted. I know you’re making tough choices for your family, even when you’re not sure if they are right. I know you’re working tirelessly, even when it seems never-ending. I know you’re doing an amazing job, even though you doubt yourself.

I know you, momma, are more than enough.

As a momma, I make mistakes because no one is perfect. I forget things from not calling my children by their correct name, to a simple word I’m trying to get out of my mouth but never do and end up explaining it’s meaning instead.

I lose my cool because I’m exhausted at times from trying to serve, teach, mold and love the four children under our roof all while maintaining a clean and cozy home.

I have three birth daughters and a foster son. Having two teenagers is a blessing. Having two toddlers with different needs is a blessing. My youngest birth daughter has “a little something extra.” She is thriving with the beauty of Down syndrome. Our precious foster son has needs that I can’t discuss, but they have to be handled with extreme care.

I hold my two toddlers to sleep every night. Not because they are spoiled. Not because I’m wrapped around their little finger. Not because I’m being manipulated. I do it because I am their safe place. I do it because I am their momma, and they need me to comfort them, especially our foster son.

So momma, whenever you’re feeling hopeless or not enough, hug your child. When you fall asleep wondering how you could’ve loved your child more, feeling guilty for blowing your top, or worrying what tomorrow will hold…kiss your child, even if they’re sleeping. It’s amazing how they remind us our life is always full of love, grace, and that we are given a fresh start every single day. Because I know you, momma, are more than enough and you’re doing a great job!

Photo submitted by contributor.

Originally published: February 2, 2020
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