A mother responds to a recent CBS report on Iceland’s abortion rate and almost non existent Down syndrome population.
Read the full version of What That CBS Report on Iceland’s Abortion Rate Failed to Say About Down Syndrome.
Read the full transcript:
Down Syndrome Does Not Need to Be “Eradicated”
A recent CBS report noted few countries have “come close to eradicating down syndrome births as iceland.”
In Iceland, close to 100% of women with a prenatal diagnosis terminate the pregnancy.
What message does this send to people with Down syndrome and their families?
It implies they are not wanted.
It suggests they do not lead fulfilling lives.
It paints Down syndrome as a disease.
This is all false.
People with Down syndrome are important members of society.
They may have physical and cognitive disabilities, but they have as much value as anyone else.
Doctors deliver the diagnosis as a tragedy.
Too many parents are not given up-to-date information about Down syndrome.
Expectant moms may only know stereotypes and society’s negative disability attitudes.
We need to change this.
Let’s give parents up-to-date information.
Let’s connect them with Down syndrome organizations and other parent mentors.
Instead of trying to “eradicate” Down syndrome,
Let’s offer families support.
People with Down syndrome should not have to justify their existence.
We all share the same humanity.
People with Down syndrome belong.