Who are you? I am a writer. I am an artist. I am the girl who laughs hysterically when she is nervous. I am the girl who will dance and sing obnoxiously out of tune just to make my partner laugh. I am a dog mom and a cat mom. I am an aunt, a daughter, a sister, a friend. I am so many awesome things!!
We can get so wrapped up in our illness that we forget our worth. We forget the things that make us who we are. Many of us may try so hard to be heard and to be taken seriously that we forget we are human. That endometriosis is a part of us, but it isn’t us. It may be hard to see it through the rough days, but we are still many things.
I will never introduce myself as “the endo girl” again. I will never be dismissed at the dinner table again. I will never sit there and let someone make me feel like my voice doesn’t matter. Like my day doesn’t matter. Like my pain doesn’t matter.
I will never let someone tell me I’m not sick anymore if I try to enjoy my life. I will never let someone’s opinion of who I am dictate who I am. I will never let anyone tell me my dreams won’t happen. You see, nothing I did or didn’t do caused my illness. It just happened. And although my illness has no cure and I am in pain every single day, I am still human. I’m still allowed to have a life. I’m still allowed to have dreams and goals.
I rise up every single day despite the negativity and the expectations people have for “chronically ill” people. I still try to live my life even when people tell me if I was really sick I couldn’t do this or that. Well you know what… I’m freaking awesome! I’ve lived with pain every single day since I was 12 years old. I’ve woken up every single day even when I had plenty of reasons to throw in the towel. I did it even when I felt like life was working against me.
So who are you? Big or small, I want to know. I want to know who you are. Not that you have endometriosis, but who you truly are. What makes you tick? What keeps you going?