“Given your history…” is a phrase I continually hear from professionals. And it is a phrase that I will continue to hate for as long as it is said in my vicinity.
Yes, I have a history. Doesn’t everyone?
Yes, I have a history in which I have done things I am not proud of. Doesn’t everyone?
Yes, my history involves making poor decisions surrounding my mental health, ending up in hospitals numerous times and putting my body under immense strain and pressure. But that doesn’t mean this history should define me.
So this is to any professional that works with me now and to any professional who may ever work with me in the future: Yes, I have a history. And yes, I’m not proud of some of the things I have done.
However, I’ve worked extremely hard to get to the place I am now, to a place where I can say. “Thank goodness I’m not where I was six months ago.”
So please think before you say the words “given your history,” because I do have a history, but that is what it is — history. It’s in the past and that is where I want it to remain.
Please don’t judge me by my past because I don’t live there anymore. I’m trying my best to move on, so please try to move on with me.
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Getty image via KatarzynaBialasiewicz