If You’re Tired of Being Mindful, ‘Let It Go’ Is the Skill for You
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Excerpted from “Mindful As F*ck” by Emily Horn. Copyright © 2020 by Simon & Schuster, Inc. Used by permission of the publisher. All rights reserved.
let it go
You may be over “Frozen” but you have to admit: Elsa had a point. Sometimes the best way through a problem isn’t meditation or deep breathing but just throwing it in the trash. Use the power of visualization to make like a true ice queen and let that shit go.
- Sit or lie in a position for meditation and breathe in and out comfortably.
- Bring the issue or thought troubling you to the forefront of your mind. Listen to it without judgment, remembering that it’s taking up so much space in your mind because it has something to say to you.
- There’s a few different ways to make these thoughts quiet down. Try imagining the thought as a little cartoon fly and trapping it in a jar. Hear its voice getting quieter and quieter as you tighten the lid. Calm down, you aren’t suffocating it, just quieting it. Also, it’s literally in your imagination.
- Envision these thoughts as balloons, except instead of crying when you let one go into the atmosphere, you’re overjoyed. If you want to jazz things up you can even imagine them bursting or getting sucked into an airplane engine.
- Use your imagination and don’t feel like you’re just ignoring problems! Real estate in your brain is expensive, dammit, so make sure that the right crowd is living there!
You can pick up your copy of “Mindful As F*ck” here.
Header image via Photo by Chelsea Gates on Unsplash
Originally published: September 15, 2020