When you live with a mental illness, managing your health can feel draining at times. There isn’t a magic solution to mental illness, but sometimes the advice of others can help us too.
On Monday, Twitter users began sharing their best advice for managing their mental health using the hashtag #MyTipsForMentalHealth.
The hashtag is a great reminder to take care of ourselves. Self-care isn’t always easy when you live with mental illness, but it can be helpful on the bad days.
Here are some self-care ideas and other reminders from Twitter that could be useful for you if you live with a mental illness or want to prioritize your mental health.
Be patient with yourself. Believe that you deserve better. Remind yourself what's good in ur life. Sleep. Eat. Love. #MyTipsForMentalHealth
— Leanna Renee (@leannuh) September 25, 2017
#mytipsformentalhealth Don't discount your own pain by comparing it to other people who "have it worse." You deserve help too.
— Cynical and Crusty AF (@Kevin_Saito) September 25, 2017
Negative self-talk is like having a bully living rent free inside your head. Know that you are amazing & priceless.????#MyTipsForMentalHealth
— ????Jessica Maybe???? (@JessicaRoyce101) September 25, 2017
#MyTipsForMentalHealth It's ok if you didn't get anything done today. It's ok to simply survive. You'll make it!
— Amaranth ????⚘ (@thighsquish) September 25, 2017
When your mind is overwhelmed with negativity, remember that these thoughts do not define you or control you.— ¯_(ツ)_/¯ (@Daddy_Lucem) September 25, 2017
Get counseling, take meds if you need to( I do!) cut toxic people out, go to bed, challenge your inner dialogue.#MyTipsForMentalHealth #PTSD
— Naomi MacRoss (@NaomiMac_Ross) September 25, 2017
#MyTipsForMentalHealth if you're having a depressive episode, sticking to a routine like clockwork can help you stay grounded.
— Chapin Langenheim (@chapinshadow) September 25, 2017
Never be ashamed of needing help #MyTipsForMentalHealth
— David A. (@daveed_na) September 25, 2017
Never give up on yourself. You can do this. Don't be afraid to ask for help. #MyTipsForMentalHealth
— Anastasia Osho (@AnastasiaOsho) September 25, 2017
Never underestimate the power of a deep breath. S'why I have it tattooed on my wrist. #MyTipsForMentalHealth
— Hannah MacLeod (@macleodholdfast) September 25, 2017
It's not selfish to love yourself, take care of yourself,& to make your happiness a priority. It's necessary. #MyTipsForMentalHealth
— Ma 'Kayella (@laneice_22) September 25, 2017
Be gentle to yourself. Set your own pace in life. It's not a race #MyTipsForMentalHealth
— Reenabet (@Reenabet) September 25, 2017
#MyTipsForMentalHealth never think youre a burden to your loved ones. they care about more than you realize. you mean the world to everyone
— ????️????????️???? (@littledenbrcugh) September 25, 2017
Setbacks are ok. Falling down is ok. Taking a break is ok. Not getting something on the first time is ok. #MyTipsForMentalHealth
— Mendoza (@buttermendoza) September 25, 2017
#MyTipsForMentalHealth never be afraid to ask for help, going to therapy, taking self-breaks, exercise, value yourself, and treat yo self.
— duh (@luisfelix67) September 25, 2017
Schedule your time to reflect & do what you love. Exercise, meditate, read, drink tea or coffee or water. Honor you. #MyTipsForMentalHealth
— Taylor Johnson (@tdjohnson11) September 25, 2017
Depression: I know its hard, but go outside. Even just out your front door. get fresh air and sun/moonshine #MyTipsForMentalHealth
— Skyla Rayne 18+ (@ChibiNekoCos) September 25, 2017
Don't let anyone dismiss/belittle you because you have a mental illness you are still a person worthy of love. #MyTipsForMentalHealth
— ???? (@nomiseline) September 25, 2017
You are okay.
You're not alone.
You're not a freak.
You're not broken.
Talk to those you feel safe with. #MyTipsForMentalHealth— Zach Flu (@ZachFlu) September 25, 2017
Don't isolate yourself from others. If you feel suicidal call someone and check into a hospital if needed. #MyTipsForMentalHealth
— avantgod (@solkattu) September 25, 2017
1. Find an outlet: songwriting, poetry, cooking, kickboxing, hiking, meditation, journaling etc.. #MyTipsForMentalHealth
— ° (@watdoiwant) September 25, 2017
Be true to yourself. Be honest with yourself. Share with others. Lemon Oreos are also good. #MyTipsForMentalHealth
— WiseUncleBuck (@wiseunclebuck) September 25, 2017
Find yourself a healthy coping mechanism that can calm your nerves & bring you joy simultaneously. #mineisgardening— Mama Mont G (@alleycatrn) September 25, 2017
Positive self talk
#MyTipsForMentalHealth— Chris D. Redd (@ChrisDRedd1) September 25, 2017
Talk out loud to your pet. Idk why but chatting to my dog helps me feel better! Prob cuz he's the #bestlistener ❤️ #MyTipsForMentalHealth
— Mt Rose American Teen Princess (@chersuterus) September 25, 2017
Make a to-do list of three things and do them. It can just be breathing slower. Give yourself little victories.— Julia Michal Barton (@juliabyrde) September 25, 2017