Well, it’s New Year’s Eve, and looking back on the year, it’s been wild. Yesterday was my last day at a job I’ve had and enjoyed for the past six months. I’ve spent the last few months reconnecting with some old friends. I got married this year to one of the best guys on the planet. I’ve learned a lot about myself and my demons. I’ve kept up on my blog. I’ve started writing a book.
I’ve cried and mourned the passing of many stars and celebrities. I’ve laughed and laughed at life’s quirks and idiosyncrasies. I have found my support system and use it regularly. I’ve been so low I thought I would never see daylight again. I’ve been on top of the world and so filled with joy I thought I would burst. I’ve read more, laughed more, cried more and loved more in the past year than I have in a long time.
The year 2016 was a really horrible year for many, many people, but in its horribleness, I found some really good things. I became more in tune with myself. I have learned to recognize when my demons attack and how to live through them. I have learned how to communicate what I need in terms of support to my loved ones.
I am learning to pick my battles. I am learning to give myself “me time,” to recoup, relax and to give myself rest. I am learning my worth and that I am worthy of respect. I am learning not to let people, even those who are closest to me, walk all over me. I am learning to love myself a little more every day.
It’s been a really hard year. Yet, we have survived. We are here. We are alive. We made it. If we can make it through this messed up, difficult as hell year while fighting and surviving our demons, then I’m pretty sure we can get through anything.
So, when we raise a glass to toast the new year, toast yourselves as well. We did one hell of a bad ass job getting through 2016. Well done! Good luck as we begin the trek through 2017. We got this. Happy New Year, my fellow warriors.
Stay strong.
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