down day |daun dey| Noun
A day of emotional distress, in which activities mostly include thinking terrible thoughts about oneself or one’s life, either eating too much or not eating at all, and hiding under blankets. This mostly takes part in bed, as the bed acts as one’s personal island and hiding spot that isolates one from the world and any responsibilities one cannot face.
This type of day can happen on any day of the week, and is most common for those who suffer from depression and/or anxiety.
Best known cures are: being looked after by a loved one, watching your favorite movies, eating comfort food and drinking tea.
During days like this, here’s what I want you to remember:
1. You are worthy enough. You are worthy enough to live and live well. You are enough.
2. These days are survivable, they will pass. This is not the end of living for you.
3. You’re allowed to have days like this. Everybody needs self-care, especially when one is suffering from a mental illness. This is just you letting the illness take control of your day – which is nothing to be ashamed of, seeing as you have to fight it every day to just do regular things. One day of defeat is nothing compared to how well you’ve been doing.
4. You’re not alone – plenty of people have had this kind of day.
5. Some people won’t understand, and that’s OK. Not everyone can empathize because not everyone has the same experiences as you. If someone says the wrong thing, try not to take it to heart, especially if you know they have good intentions.
6. Kids movies are always a comfort, if that helps.
7. You’re really not alone – there’s people you can talk to, if you feel up for it. The Samaritans helped me once, and they can help you.
8. Things will get better – maybe not tomorrow, maybe not next week, but soon. There’s no time limit for healing, you can’t rush it. Give yourself the time you need to feel better. It’s a steady process.
9. Your head may feel like it’s in overload, which is normal. Write it down to get it out of your system, or if you’re brave enough, tell somebody about how you’re feeling.
10. Please do eat something, even if it’s a bit random because your cupboards and fridge are a little empty. Once I ate some new potatoes in butter and garlic salt because that’s all I had.
11. If you start to feel numb from the crying, that’s OK too. It seems a bit scary but it does go away. Just let it sit and you’ll soon start to feel better.
12. These feelings you’re having are not your fault.
13. Because it’s important, I’ll say it again: You are worthy enough. You are worthy enough to live and live well. You are enough.
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