Symptoms of motion sickness, disoriented, depth perception issues a sign of any particular autoimmune disease?
Ever since I had to turn the vehicle keys over to another and be the passenger I have had nearly continuous motion sickness. Don't ask me to reach down and get something from my purse or out of the glove box, it's nearly impossible to put my head forward without the dizziness and spinning become real bad and the whole just going in circles. I get very disoriented if I try to do anything while a passenger and if it's a rare day I drive forget even trying to use the radio. My depth perception in and out of the car is severely eskewed.
I have a neck pillow and use at all times in vehicles because it helps. I recently had to go over a winding mountain rode and was very disoriented in the other end, started getting very over heated towards the bottom of the hill.
I am glad it's better gotten to the point of vomiting, but nausea is intense.
Anyone got any wisdom? I currently have diagnosis of Lupus and RA
#Lupus #RheumatoidArthritis #MotionSickness #disoriented