For one of the first times, I feel sick. This time, I couldn’t hide it from anyone – my parents, doctors, significant other and most of all, myself. I knew something was wrong and fought until I got an answer – it just wasn’t the one I wanted.
Now, I sit here and stare it in the face, this thing I have. I cry because I don’t feel right. I cry because people are checking in on me. I’m not used to needing help. I’m not the type to ask for it.
I didn’t ask for this, but I have it. I didn’t ask anyone to sign up to watch me be sick either. But these people, they’re here. They keep telling me they want to be but it’s hard to believe. With as hard as it is for me to not be able to fight this thing, I can only imagine how much harder it is for them to watch and be more helpless than I. They offer help in the best way they can.
To those people, I need you to know how much I appreciate it. I might not say it right, I might fight you on your help, but I need it and I know I do. Being sick isn’t easy. And being sick without a strong support system is even harder. I’m lucky I have one.
To anyone supporting someone with a chronic illness: know we love you, we appreciate you and everything you do for us even when we don’t want you to. It means the world to us to have you by our side to fight our disease.
So from all of us to all of you, thank you.
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Thinkstock photo via DragonImages.