After trying every treatment I can think of for my occipital neuralgia, I’ve been thinking about my brain’s role in my pain. Nearly every treatment I’ve tried works great for about a month, then POOF it stops working. What is the significance of 30 days? Am I just tricking my brain? There’s an episode of the Netflix documentary “Afflicted” that focuses on the brain, and the possibility that pain or illness might be our brain’s fault. Maybe the pathways my brain used for pain are broken. Maybe my brain forgot what it’s like to not be in pain. I’ve been seeing a therapist (mental health practitioner) for this reason. There are a few treatments that helped longer than a month; chiropractor, and nortriptyline are the ones that come to mind. I’m about ready to try crystal healing and other similar alternative methods. Perhaps crystals heal people by healing the brain and in turn help with the pain. Things like meditation and yoga are difficult for me and my ADD. Although my desperation for relief have me considering ALL options. #Brain #mymindisbrokenbroken #Brokenbrain