A Termination Letter to My Son's Genetic Disorder
Dear Chromosome 8p duplication and deletion,
This letter is to inform you that we’ve decided to let you go. We’re aware that when the geneticist originally assigned you to our family, by strapping you around our second child at only 6 months of age, she indicated that you would be with us for life. However, we’ve decided to go in another direction.
After 14 years of our current relationship with you as our son’s official label, we believe your role in our family has become obsolete. Originally, yes, you served a purpose. You answered some questions and provided some insight. We initially acquiesced to your demands of fear, isolation and anxiety. I’m sure you’re proud that during your first few years in our family, you dominated every facet of our daily lives. You were given free reign over our emotions, our relationships, our plans and dreams.
However, after those initial years of you in the driver’s seat, we began to skirmish over appropriate boundaries, attempting to diminish your prominence in our lives. Now, we’ve determined that you’re completely obsolete in our situation. Ever since those initial reports the doctor placed in our hands, your definition has been: mentally challenged, developmentally delayed, physically disabled. However the young man to whom you were assigned is best defined as follows: funny, affectionate, kind, compassionate and party animal. You’ve become irrelevant.
Effective immediately you no longer label anything or anyone in our family. Our most special family member will henceforth be known as simply that: Special. Webster’s definition is: “Distinguished by some unusual quality, especially important or loved.” Perhaps “thanks” is in order, as you were with us for quite a while, but we can’t muster an ounce of gratitude on this occasion. We simply say goodbye.
Very Sincerely,
The Gomez Family
For all of March, The Mighty is asking its readers the following: If you could write a letter to the disability or disease you (or a loved one) face, what would you say to it? If you’d like to participate, please send a blog post to community@themighty.com. Please include a photo for the piece, a photo of yourself and 1-2 sentence bio.
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