Man Modifies Wheelchair to Complete Our Least Favorite Winter Chore
Now that snow shoveling and plowing are necessary chores in some parts of the U.S., Tim Taylor, a 30-year-old from Pennsylvania, found a creative way to get the job done. He custom-built a plow on his motorized wheelchair.
“Living here we get quite a bit of snow. I recently got a 4×4 wheelchair and was inspired to build a plow for it after seeing a YouTube video where an older gentleman had done something similar,” Taylor told Huffington Post.
Taylor was an 18-year-old electrical apprentice when a car accident in 2003 left him paralyzed, killing his girlfriend at the time and her sister, according to Huffington Post.
“I still have a lifetime of goals,” Taylor said. “I just didn’t want to be a bump on the log.”
Watch the video Taylor posted of his custom-built plow:
h/t Huffington Post