Tunnel vision.
Monkey mind.
Heart racing.
Hands clamp over your eyes.
Remember, you need to breathe.
Try to breathe.
Still not breathing?
Remember, you need to breathe.
Let your lips go numb.
Your hands cramp up.
Your thoughts get fuzzy.
Your tongue feels weird.
Remember, you absolutely need to breathe.
Force your mouth open, to get some oxygen.
It gets stuck in your throat.
Dammit body, you have to breathe!
Shift your focus.
How many lamps are in the room?
None, you’re in a parking lot.
You try to take deep breaths.
Why is it so hard to breathe?
What is wrong with me?
Why isn’t my body working?
What if one of my lungs collapsed?
Calm down.
Just focus on trying to breathe.
Why can’t I move my legs?
You need to breathe.
Take your hands off your eyes.
Take your tongue off the roof of your mouth.
Deep breath.
Shallow breath.
Shallow breath.
Shallow breath.
Don’t freak out.
Don’t freak out.
Don’t freak out.
Deep breath.
Relax your shoulders.
Deep breath.
Unclench your fists.
Deep breath.
Deep breath.
Heart slows down.
I hope this never happens to me ever again.
What if this happens again?
Just breathe.
You’re going to be OK.
Deep breath.
Deep breath.
I feel so weak.
Why am I shaking so much?
Just keep breathing.
Deep breath.
Deep breath.
Relax your face.
Deep breath.
Deep breath.
Relax your stomach.
Deep breath.
I am OK.
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