Many people aren’t familiar with #bpd ( #BorderlinePersonalityDisorder ) It is very common among young woman, such as myself! We look just like you, we feel just like you — only about 10x harder. It’s a disorder characterized by extreme emotional instability. The best part — is that it IS manageable, you can recover! It has been a few years since embracing this #mentalhealth #diagnosis. It took even longer for me to accept it and then finally being willing to share about such a sensitive matter. After finally feeling confident enough to share with others on social media, I quickly learn this condition is being hidden. The #hashtagbpd is currently banned from @instagram which is owned by @facebookapp. A hashtag won’t lead to death, that’s ridiculous! It is clear that BPD is often #misunderstood and #misdiagnosed . However, excluding a group already suffering will further our #stigma . This is a #minority being silenced, so it’s time to speak up. Being able to look up within the #bdpcommunity success stories, memes, diagrams, and related photos can be very helpful for #recovery. There’s a lot of positive things we may be missing from our #hashtagbpd and may even lead to finding #dialecticalbehaviortherapy or #cognitivebehavioraltherapy . Please, consider sharing this information and help #raiseawareness ! This #bpdban must be revoked — #UNHIDEBPD !
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#bdpawareness #destigmatizementalillness #mentalhealth #mentalhealthadvocate #mentalhealthawareness #bpdbrain #bpdthoughts #share #viral #viralpost #americandisabilityact #freedomofspeech #mentalwellness #mentalhealthsupport #mentalhealthblogger#BorderlinePersonalityDisorder