Pill shaming is happening to people who take medication for mental health reasons. It’s toxic and it’s time to break the stigma. Here is why you should stop pill shaming people who take medication.
Please Stop “Pill Shaming” People Who Take Medication for Mental Health
Pill shaming is toxic and it’s time to break the stigma.
How has medication made a difference in your life?
Share your story with a supportive community here: mgty.co/mentalhealth
“It’s the easy way out.”
“You’re just taking happy pills.”
“You’re weak for taking them.”
“Why do you need that?”
Having a mental illness is hard enough as it is without the pill shaming stigma that floats among those struggling.
More than 43 million adults live with mental illness in the U.S.
(Info source: 2015 NIMH on Any Mental Illness)
This stigma makes it harder for people to seek the help they need.
Some people are able to manage their illness with talk therapy, exercise, eating healthy and other methods.
But for many, medication can be an effective part of their treatment plan.
In fact, 1 in 6 Americans have used some form of psychiatric drug to assist with their health.
Yet there’s still a stigma around taking them.
This stigma makes it harder for people to seek the help they need.
Just because it isn’t physical, visible or tangible, we tend to treat it like it’s wrong,
like mental illness is less of an illness than a visible one.
In the same way you’d wear glasses to help you see better, some people take a pill to help their mind.
And that’s OK.
Educate yourself, find out more about these illnesses before jumping to conclusions.
It doesn’t make you any less human, it doesn’t make you weak or any less capable of doing the job, writing the essay or completing the degree.
It is important to discuss which treatment options are right for you with your doctor.
There is no shame in accepting the assistance of medication.
PTSD, depression, anxiety, bipolar, borderline personality disorder or any other mental illness are not a flaw or a flaw in one’s self.
For anyone who’s going through a dark patch right now, talk, take meds if you need to, go for jogs, walk the dog, go to therapy, drink some herbal tea.
Everyone’s mental health journey is different, so do what works for you and your body.
People should not feel ashamed or guilty for struggling with mental illness or for seeking help and taking medication.
You deserve to find wellness in the way that you and your doctor decide is best for you.
Don’t be afraid — seek help. End the stigma.